LALIZAS Liferaft SOLAS DEEP SEA II, Throw-overboard complies with MED 2014/90/EU – Chapter III SOLAS 1974 and subsequent amendments.
Available in Pack A and Pack B equipment from 6 to 25 person versions. Can be packed either in a roll or in a flat pack canister.
The compact version is the most compact SOLAS liferaft, designed specifically for the mega yacht market in order to save valuable stowage space.
A compact container is available in both cylindrical and rectangular shape with Pack A and Pack B equipment from 6 to 12 person versions. The number of stabilizing pockets guarantees safety and comfort
even in a stormy sea.
A fiberglass container is included either in a roll or in a flat pack canister version. LALIZAS Liferaft SOLAS DEEP SEA II, Throw-overboard is designed to inflate in an environment
temperature of -30°C to +65°C while its inspection interval is every year.
Product Code Specification
Product Detail
PACK A Equipment:
- Sea anchor with rope (1 piece)
- Life ring with rope (1 piece)
- Floating paddles (2 pieces)
- Immediate action (1 piece)
- Floating knife (1 piece)
- Bailer (1 piece)
- Sponge (2 pieces)
- Whistle (1 piece)
- Repair kit (1 piece)
- Manual pump (1 piece)
- Seasickness bag (1 per person)
- Torch kit (1 piece)
- Red hand flares (6 pieces)
- Red parachute flares (4 pieces)
- Floating smoke signal (2 pieces)
- Signalling mirror (1 piece)
- Drinking water (1,5 L per person)
- Food per person (10.000 Kcal per person)
- Anti-seasickness pills (6 per person)
- Thermal protective aids (2 pieces)
- Fishing kit (1 piece)
- Radar reflector (1 piece)
- Radar reflector support (1 piece)
- Sea anchor (1 piece)
- Signalling table (1 piece)
- Drinking water vessel (1 piece)
- Can opener (1 piece)
- Water -collect (1 piece)
- First aid kit (1 piece)
- Internal user manual
PACK B Equipment:
- Sea anchor with rope (1 piece)
- Life ring with rope (1 piece)
- Floating paddles (2 pieces)
- Immediate action (1 piece)
- Floating knife (1 piece)
- Bailer (1 piece)
- Sponge (2 pieces)
- Whistle (1 piece)
- Manual pump (1 piece)
- Seasickness bag (1 per person)
- Torch kit (1 piece)
- Red hand flares (3 pieces)
- Red parachute flares (2 pieces)
- Floating smoke signal (1 piece)
- Repair kit (1 piece)
- Signalling mirror (1 piece)
- Anti-seasickness pills (6 per person)
- First aid kit (1 piece)
- Thermal protective aids (2 pieces)
- Radar reflector (1 piece)
- Radar reflector support (1 piece)
- Sea anchor (1 piece)
Address: 183C/5P Ton That Thuyet, Ward 4, District 4, HCMC
Phone: + 84. 28 – 377 32 140 / + 84 .28 – 377 32 141
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